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HR Project - Data Exploration and Visualization with SQL and Power BI

| Maria Angélica Araujo

Skills: SQL, SQL Server, Power Query,  Power BI (PBI)

Objective: The aims of this project I am currently working on are to create a database model, clean the data and explore it in SQL, and then, load all the information into PBI to build a dashboard. The focus here is to develop and consolidate my skills with SQL, but mostly the creation and modeling process of a database on SQL Server. The following points served as guidance for the development:

  • Average salary per department;

  • Top 10 highest salaries of the company and their respective employee names and positions;

  • Top 10 lowest salaries of the company and their respective employee names and positions;

  • The average age of all employees who are currently working in the company;

  • Average time worked on the company for the employees who left;

  • Number of employees hired per recruitment source;

  • Count and percentage (over the total number of employees) of employees per employment status;

  • Number of employees who left the company per termination reason;

  • Percentage of employers per race;

  • Percentage of male and female employees who worked and are still working in the company;

  • Total spent by the company with the salaries of all employees (active and non-active);

  • Average of employment satisfaction for all employees. (This metric is an integer value between 1 and 5);

  • Average of employment satisfaction for employees who left the company and for the ones who are still working there;

  • Average of the number of absences for all employees;

  • Average of the number of absences for employees who left the company and for the ones who are still working there;

  • Average of the number of days (all) employees were late (for the last 30 days);

  • Average of the number of days employees were late (for the last 30 days) for employees who left the company and for the ones who is still working there.

Data source: The dataset used for this project brings information about the employees of the HR Department of a fictitious company and can be found here:

**Development of the project: **In SQL Server, I have created the database, with all the tables and their primary and foreign keys and relationships. I have also cleaned the data correcting divergences. Besides, I created queries to deeply understand the dataset and answer the questions presented above.

Most of the data cleaning process was made in SQL. After that, I upload these tables in PBI and built a dashboard, answering all the questions above.

All the work I have developed can be found on my GitHub:

Below, there is a screenshot of the dashboard:

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